
Publié le 12/01/2024 - Sénescence cellulaire, cancer et vieillissement

Cholesterol biosynthetic pathway induces cellular senescence through ERRα

Auteurs: Ziegler DV, Czarnecka-Herok J, Vernier M, Scholtes C, Camprubi C, Huna A, Massemin A, Griveau A, Machon C, Guitton J, Rieusset J, Vigneron A, Giguère V, Martin N, Bernard D

Journal: Npj aging

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Publié le 11/01/2024 - Epigénétique, microenvironnement et cancer du foie

Quantification of circulating HBV RNA expressed from intrahepatic cccDNA in untreated and NUC treated patients with chronic hepatitis B

Auteurs: Testoni B, Scholtès C, Plissonnier ML, Paturel A, Berby F, Facchetti F, Villeret F, Degasperi E, Scott B, Hamilton A, Heil M, Lampertico P, Levrero M, Zoulim F

Journal: Gut

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Publié le 04/01/2024 - Gastroentérologie et technologies pour la santé

Strategies for the Nuclear Delivery of Metal Complexes to Cancer Cells

Auteurs: Huynh M, Vinck R, Gibert B, Gasser G

Journal: Advanced Materials

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Publié le 01/01/2024 - Epigénétique, microenvironnement et cancer du foie

A Single Preservation Solution for Static Cold Storage and Hypothermic Oxygenated Perfusion of Marginal Liver Grafts: A Preclinical Study

Auteurs: Muller X, Rossignol G, Couillerot J, Breton A, Hervieu V, Lesurtel M, Mohkam K, Mabrut JY

Journal: Transplantation

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Publié le 19/12/2023 - Mort cellulaire et cancers de l'enfant

Fusion-negative rhabdomyosarcoma 3D organoids to predict effective drug combinations: A proof-of-concept on cell death inducers

Auteurs: Clara Savary, Léa Luciana, Paul Huchedé, Arthur Tourbez , Claire Coquet, Maëlle Broustal, Alejandro Lopez Gonzalez 21, Clémence Deligne, Thomas Diot, Olivier Naret, Mariana Costa, Nina Meynard, Virginie Barbet, Kevin Müller, Laurie Tonon, Nicolas Gadot, Cyril Degletagne, Valéry Attignon, Sophie Léon, Christophe Vanbelle, Alexandra Bomane, Isabelle Rochet, Virginie Mournetas, Luciana Oliveira, Paul Rinaudo, Christophe Bergeron, Aurélie Dutour, Martine Cordier-Bussat, Aline Roch, Nathalie Brandenberg, Sophie El Zein, Sarah Watson, Daniel Orbach, Olivier Delattre, Frédérique Dijoud, Nadège Corradini, Cécile Picard, Delphine Maucort-Boulch, Marion Le Grand, Eddy Pasquier, Jean-Yves Blay, Marie Castets, Laura Broutier

Journal: Cell Reports Medicine

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Publié le 19/12/2023 - Plateforme de bioinformatique Gilles Thomas

Fusion-negative rhabdomyosarcoma 3D organoids to predict effective drug combinations: A proof-of-concept on cell death inducers

Auteurs: Savary C, …, Tonon L, … , Broutier L.

Journal: Cell Rep Med.

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