Welcome to the Cancer Research Center of Lyon – CRCL
The Cancer Research Center of Lyon (UMR Inserm 1052 – CNRS 5286 – Centre Léon Bérardn Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) is a research structure affiliated with the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the national health and research bodies (Inserm and CNRS), the Léon Bérard Comprehensive Cancer Centre (CLB) and with the Lyon University Hospitals (HCL) as clinical partners.
The CRCL was officially created in January 2011 and its contract was recently renewed for the 2020-2026 period. It comprises 26 teams, totalling more than 600 members, including 150 researchers and lecturers. The CRCL aims at increasing its international visibility and the attractiveness of the Lyon cancer research cluster, at facilitating the transfer of knowledge from fundamental cancer research to clinical applications in oncology, and at developing teaching and training in oncology.
One of the main goals of the CRCL is to support the development of strong translational research to enable patients to rapidly benefit from breakthroughs in basic research. This bridge from “bench to bedside” was rendered possible due to the strong collaboration between clinicians and pathologists of the CLB and HCL and scientific teams of the CRCL, creating a continuity between basic research and clinical applications.
Structure and organization
The CRCL is organized around two scientific departments focusing on the following research topics:
The teams of the CRCL can rely on state-of-the-art equipment (cell sorting and cytometry platform, imaging platform, cancer genomic platform, related technological platforms on the Lyon-Est site) and shared services (administrative unit, autoclave, etc…) to support their projects.